ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Clash Display Settings Dialog

Used to control the display of the clashes. Allows you to set the color, transparency, highlight and zoom values when viewing the clashes.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Clash Detection dialog: Results > Display Settings
Each group panel can be expanded or collapsed to show and hide the different display options. To expand a group, click the down arrow icon; to collapse the group, click the up arrow.

Hard Clash Display Sets the color and transparency for Element A and Element B, when a hard clash is detected.
Clearance Display Sets the color and transparency for Element A and Element B, when a clearance violation is detected.
Extent of Surroundings Highlights the area surrounding the clashes.
Exclude Obstructing Elements When on, hides the surroundings that are in front of the clash to give a better view of the clash.
Zoom Extent Dynamically increases or decreases the magnification of the clash area.
Zoom Only in Active View Applies the zoom extent to the active view only.
Animate Transitions If on and you select a new clash, automatically zooms out from one clash and zooms in to the next clash. If off, the view immediately focuses on the newly selected clash.